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Spotlight: Candyfloss

My spotlight series returns, this time to introduce you to one of UK's brightest new stars, Candyfloss.

Candyfloss is one of my favourite new talents here in the UK. The London native is a regular on the UK independent scene, plying her trade up and down the country and making new fans wherever she goes.
Debuting a mere year ago, she has grown in leaps and bounds already having great showings against Dahlia Black, Jinny and Little Miss Roxxy.
By all means don't let her happy go lucky attitude and sweet name fool you, this girl can go in the ring, happily mixing up her style to utilise high flying, solid ground work or her Candy Cane cross arm breaker submission.

Candyfloss was trained through one of the UK's finest companies, PROGRESS, whom she also works for.
Her time at the ProJo shows, she is excelling rapidly and is turning more than a few heads and I think that international talent will start to look to Candyfloss for matches shortly.
At a time where womens wrestling has never been taken more seriously, the focus is really on women who can not only wrestle amazingly but outdo many of their male counterparts. Candyfloss yet again fits this catagory, whether  face to face with other women or mixing it up with guys, she holds her own and does a wonderful job.

Wrestling, however, comes with risks and that was felt last year when she unfortunately semi-dislocated her elbow. Despite this set back she merely dusted herself off and rehabilitated the injury over 4 months and came back better and sharper than ever.
Again to get injured so early into a career can sometimes incite fear or trepidation into any worker, Candyfloss however powered through and hasn't looked back. For that, I say kudos.

We have a wealth if talent brewing in the UK right now, both male and female, yet through all of this Candyfloss has constantly remained a fun carefree character, working hard and getting a fantastic reputation from her matches. She often puts me in mind of Nixon Newell and Candice Lerae which i feel is a big compliment as I see those women as awesome performers and consumate professionals in ring and out.

Still young she has many years to adapt and grow but as a fan I can already see greatness in her future. Young girls looking to become wrestlers should use her as a role model and anyone else should get down to a show and check out what she can do live.
Please follow her on social media, please attend a show and please lend your support to a future star, today.

If you a sweet in Candyfloss check her out here:
Twitter: @CFlossWrestler


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