Caught Live: There Is No Dana @ Chinnerys, Southend, 05/05/17 Chinnerys is a venue local to me, I've been there hundreds of times, seen some amazing bands and this particular time was no different. Essex 4 piece There Is No Dana are a pop punk band, they are energetic, slick and with 3 capable vocalists who unite to provide us with soaring 3 way harmonies, they sit somewhere style-wise between Midtown and The Starting Line. Now we all know pop punk is a lost art here in the UK, bands like There Is No Dana reaffirm my faith in that we in the UK can provide amazing sun laden melody rich bands. From their excellent Ghostbusters led intro soundbite (Bill Murray pleading with Sigourney Weaver 'I'd like to speak to Dana' met with 'There is no Dana'...genius) leading into high octane opener 'Song 8'. There Is No Dana are the kind of pop punk band that remind me of summers past, when I spent my time hanging out with my friends, chasing girls we'd ...